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Improve brain memory tips

Hello, friends today's post is very important for you because it's related to study tips for improving your brain memory. so let's start.....


walk before an exam:

 I think we should try to walk before an exam because after exercise our memory and brainpower is the increase. so I suggest you try to walk about 20 minutes exercise before an exam.

Speak loudly instead of simply reading:  

I know it looks like crazy but tries it. you will be surprised how much more you can remember when you said it out loud. Don't try in the crowded library.

 Teach to someone or another friend: 

This is the best way to test your knowledge if you understand something then try to teach it to someone else.

Make or Draw diagrams:

Diagrams will help you to visualize information which would be hard to describe. This creates a visual memory in your mind which can be recalled in an exam. sometimes examiner set a question related to the diagram in this case this method helps you.

Block distracting sites: 

The self-control and applications help you to avoid distractions by blocking website full certain amount of time for a certain amount of time.

Take regular study breaks 

Practice, Practice, Practice .....

Practicing sample answers to previous exam questions can help you train your brain to retrieve information.

I hope this post also helps you in the study.

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